What is Title I?

What is Title I?

Title I is the name of the largest federally funded aid program to schools in our country.  The goal of Title I is a high quality education for every child, so the program provides extra instruction and support to children who most need it.  In our district these are the students who are most at-risk of not meeting state minimum competency levels.  Title I funds are targeted at schools with high poverty levels, but students do not have to be from low-income families to be helped.

Title I is not a special education program.  It is a supportive program of remedial and/or early intervention education.  We use the funds in our district to provide services in reading. There is a special emphasis on early intervention.  We believe that helping children in the primary grades will prevent bigger problems later on. 

Components of the
Title I Program

∑ Small group instruction in the classroom

∑ Small group instruction outside the classroom

∑ DIBELS assessments

∑ Early Reading Intervention

∑ My Sidewalks

∑ Fundations

∑ Title I teacher consulting with parents

∑ Family events

∑ Workshops for parents

∑ Annual Meeting